Friday, December 13, 2013

Online Marketing help (let me save you from you)

We all want to be marketing guru's, we all want to believe in our hearts that operating a computer with internet access is as simple as tying our shoes but guess what that's not true! Some of us can literally watch what someone else does and imitate it with no problem, while others of us can have the same person teaching us and still struggle to grasp the concepts that that person is showing us.
     So I've decided to literally break some things down to make it easier for those of us that don't catch on so quickly to internet terms or strategies so that you to can be successful with marketing your business or your products online.

   1.) Facebook Marketing- facebook marketing does not mean that you constantly spam your friends or families pages trying to get them to buy into your products that you are selling and it doesn't mean you should try adding random people that you don't know online to try to pitch them your business information. When I say facebook marketing I mean literally go to your search box and type in your target niche or (people that like or are interested in the very thing that you are trying to sell). Then when you find people that are already interested in what you are selling spark up a convo with them and from there give them information and give them a way to contact you to learn more information about your business and the products that you sell.

2.) Twitter Marketing- for the love of God don't keep posting links to your business back to back all day everyday to random people that you do or don't follow because think about it they get that type of stuff all day long coming to them. Start off by asking a question in one of the daily #trending topics that will spark interest then give people a way to contact you to initiate the convo between you guys and allow you to tell them about your business.

3.) Blogs- You can even use your blog to draw people in to you but the key is that you have to post awesome content and offer people value for free! Yes I said FREE!  Haven't you noticed people including you and I avoid other people that we think are or could try to sell us something. SO DON'T COME OFF AS THAT PUSHY GREASY CAR SALESMAN TYPE! Let people know why they need your product and how your product can benefit them and fix their problem or problems.

       Now I have given you three awesome marketing tools to set you up on the fast track to success in just those 3 bullets above. However, there is always more to learn and I am available to help so don't hesitate to contact me because I make money off of these 3 principles plus more information that I was taught.

      Remember no one on this earth knows it all and we all have room to grow, so don't let yourself be that prideful person that struggles or is stuck earning the same amount of money because you refuse to open yourself up and continue to learn! If you interested in increasing your monthly income, or you are just interested in being able to quit your job altogether and work from home contact me now by clicking on my link and lets talk 

Make sure to Follow me on twitter @
and subscribe to my blog as well guys.
I make sure I give you what you want to know and deserve to know!

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