Thursday, November 28, 2013

Do You Understand The Power Of Giving?

      Since today is Thanksgiving naturally so many of us focus on spending time with our family and friends, what we are going to cook, making sure we have enough for space in our homes for our loved ones to stay with us, or leaving the house at a good time so that we beat traffic and the state troopers chomping at the bit to make their holiday bonuses off us on the highways and bi-ways.  However, as for my family and I we thought outside the box today and actually didn't wake up to finish preparing the table for a wonderful thanksgiving meal that would start early.
      We got up early this morning and gave our time along with other friends and members of our church to providing some elderly citizens with good conversation, great food, and much needed prayer and smiles. Which made me think do some of us understand the power of giving and how far it goes with people around us?  In the business world we are taught how to sell our products effectively and consistently without second guessing ourselves, but we are never coached or taught how to give back to people strange isn't it?
  I started to think today that to give to others is becoming an action that is almost extinct and in many ways becoming just as prehistoric as the cave man's idea of the wheel. I look back and reflect on today and realize that to get a smile from someone because you fixed their problem or helped them out of a tight situation is satisfying and we should want to experience this feeling every time we make a sell.  The only problem is we program ourselves to focus on the numbers so much we forget that the customers we sold our products to are people that trusted us enough to do business with us in the first place.
        With mca I realized through the wonderful training that I have received, that building relationships with people so that they will bring others to do business with me isn't the most important thing to focus on. The most important thing of a strong dependable business owner is to understand the power of giving a strong valued and needed product to the people who desire or need to have it the most.  This idea just doesn't apply to motors club of America but it applies to all businesses whether they are online or companies that actually run through buildings in my or your community. The mca scam or just regular company in general scam to me would be a company that doesn't understand the importance of being able to give something wonderful to it's customers that they can use with confidence long term.
Think about it for a second honestly, how many times have you purchased something online or in a store and the customer service sucked or the product you spent your hard earned money on broke shortly after you purchased it? Tell me how did you feel about this? Were you angry? Did you go back to the store to complain to management and even go a step further and try to get a refund?  Or better yet did you look your wife, husband,friends,kids or significant other in the eye and say "we are never shopping there again!" ?
 Well with mca we try to make sure your experience with us is a great and memorable one.
          So I'm asking you yes you who is reading my post right now do you understand the power of giving?  Take time out right now before you lay down and  look at what mca has to offer you and or your family and friends or associates and give them or you extra benefits and discounts on things like dental and vision bills, free towing to a mechanic of your choice within a 100 mile radius, an hourly discount on that lawyer you might need, discounted rental car purchases, emergency room visits and much more.

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